time is the charm! If you want the details of my first two attempts click on
Mohican 2009 and Mohican 2011, or see the link on the right side of the page
under Race Reports.
I tried for
redemption last year but suffered a race-stopping injury during the process in
March, followed by a shoulder injury from hiking in VT which resulted in 4
months of physical therapy to restore (thanks to Peak Fitness Rehab). I was not able to start training and
establish a base until the first part of January, which would be a challenge in
itself to get back anything which resembled running for a 50 miler yet alone a
100 miler. Just my kind of challenge!
I knew my
running base would be something less then I normally would establish going into
a 100, and did not want to get overly aggressive with my training and risk getting
injured again, but needed something different than my previous training regime
to get desirable results. I mapped out a
conservative and smart training plan with gradual buildup in total weekly and
long runs, and intergraded three 50K races with some respectable vertical
climbs to be used with my long training runs.
I changed my weight lifting routine, more stair master workouts, and
hill repeats. With no carry over from
last year, I knew speed work was out of the question and would sacrifice a fast
pace to eliminate any potential injury from this type of workout. Also my schedule only had me peaking at 70-80
miles per week (normally 100+), and lacking in sufficient multiply repeat weeks
of high volume. I heard someone say it
is better to go into a race undertrained then to be over trained and injured. I had to guard against overdoing my training
knowing, my training ethics, and passion to improve.
The trip to
OH was uneventful and smooth, weather was cooler than normal, and we had a
great place to stay in the Cozy Cabins in the Mohican Adventure Camp Grounds
within 300 yards of the race start / finish line. I was already familiar with the course
details (Two 27 mile long loops and two 23 mile short loops) and didn’t need to
attend the trail brief after packet pickup, but the energy level was high in
the air and it felt good just to hang out with like-minded runners. The Race Director explained the course
profile, and poked fun at the two other race groups (50 mile fun run and beginner
marathon group). It was in good taste,
and everybody understood that running just one loop around this course
(marathoners) was very respectable.
After getting
all my race gear together, Laura and I sat down and talked about what went
wrong in the previous races and what we were doing different this time. I told her I had no 24 hour expectations, not
setting a PB, and only had one goal which was to finish this race within the 32
hour limit. Previous attempts I went out too fast, didn’t fuel and hydrate
correctly, and underestimated the elevation change to name a few errors I made.
4:00 AM came
early Saturday morning. A bowl of oatmeal, banana, and cup of Joe hit the spot
before hearing the 5:00 AM countdown in the cool dark morning fog to start the
race. With headlamps bouncing
everywhere, it was magical to see a string of lights moving up the side of a
mountain. There was a lot of chatter
from the highly charged runners, and I found their conversations amusing as I
reflect on my goal for the race. I reminded myself that a lot of new runners to
this course will go out way too fast and self-destruct (been there), and I
needed to settle early into an easy comfortable pace. I forced myself in the middle-back of the
pack to keep it slow on these single trails.
There would be plenty of time later to pass. My hydration, electrolytes, and nutrition was
all calculated out for the first two loops using Tailwind mix in my water
bottle, a gel every hour, along with an S-cap (salt). This worked perfectly after getting it dialed
in on my last few 50K races, and keeps my stomach in check.
Going up the
first major climb before hitting the first aid station (AS), a runner behind me
must have had his Garmin watch alarm set to alarm for elevated heart rate
because it keep alarming on the inclines.
This became most annoying and I was able to get some distance on him
when the pack started to thin out. The
heavy fog under the canopy of thick forest trees was something out of a movie scene
as the headlamp light beams pierced the darkness. The trail was runnable and smooth with the
exception of a few large fallen trees from the previous night’s storm. The challenging part was not getting injured
from crawling over all the attached tree branches. Soon the sky started to get lighter and the
headlamps were no longer required.
The first AS (Gorge
Overlook, mile 4.3, 1400’ elevation change) was here before I realized it and
my crew (wife Laura, son Josh, and daughter Renee) was waiting with a fresh
bottle of water / Tailwind mix. I only
stopped for a minute and needed nothing else with it being so early in the
race. The next section didn’t have as
many climbs and the field of runners was starting to spread out more. For some reason, the trails looked and felt
different compared to the previous years.
My effort felt comfortable, heart rate felt good, and my pace was
perfect and on track.
Trail going to the falls |
Look close to find the runner |
Marty was not
as excited as me about the hand over hand climb up the root wall, but we had to
survive the rock hopping and tree jumping section up the stream to Little Lyons
Falls. After the climb, we had a short section on some well groomed trails and
soon we rolled into the Dam crew access area.
I introduced Marty to my wife and kids, he hung out for a few minutes to
chat, and he was off to the Covered Bridge AS.
I told him I would see him later.
Laura asked how I was feeling and I told her I felt really good and had
no issues. She said my pace was perfect
for my projected times. She looked me in
the eyes and said “I have a good feeling and this is your year…Go get it and I
will see you at the start/finish line”.
I felt her positive vibes, grabbed a fresh bottle, and a Nature Valley
bar for the short mile to the next AS Covered Bridge (6.2 miles, 2500’
elevation change).
After the
Covered Bridge, I grabbed a banana and another PB&J square before hitting
the steep switchback climb to the top of the mountain. This section is the worst one because it just
seems to go forever with more elevation than posted. I passed a couple of runners during the climb
as they struggled and I was still feeling very fresh. After a few more endless miles, I hit a
section which I loved to run from previous attempts, as the trail goes along
the top of a high ridge overlooking the gorge below with very steep
Hickory Ridge
AS (5.5 miles, 800’ elevation change) was full of runners getting their second
wind before hitting the last section to the start / finish line. I only stayed long enough to refill my bottle
and grab another banana and PB&J square.
This next section had some nice downhill running with a few climbs mixed
in. The last 2 miles was run around and
through the Mohican Adventure Camp Grounds.
Last time the course was modified (see last race report) and had a
series of very steep climbs from hell. A
lot of the runners gave feedback to the race director (record year for DNFs)
and he changed the course to something a little less challenging. I wished he had left the climbs from hell
because I want to make myself better, not make the course easier. Nonetheless, the trip to the start / finish
line was enjoyable as my crew awaited to see how I was doing (Total 27 miles,
7,000’ elevation change).

was a little higher compared to the morning (high of 88 deg), and I could see
what I missed on this loop for the first 45 minutes due to the darkness. While cruising along the trails in the forest,
I reminded myself that last time I went too hard and I was physically broke by
the end of the second loop, although I went on another 12 miles until
exhaustion; not this year I told myself.
Although I felt really good, I will maintain the same pace as the first
time through this long loop. I also said
my family will not see me DNF this race ever again, no matter what. Twice they saw this course beat me into
submission. Not this time. I also wanted to show my kids that sometimes
we lose battles, but it doesn’t mean we can’t win the war. Life may knock us down to the ground from time
to time, but the true measure of a champion is getting back up.

The two 27
mile long loops were completed and it was now time for the two shorter 23 mile
loops. After a mile on the trails, my
pace felt good, stomach much better, and I felt very positive vibes; last time
I was in bad shape and in a bad spot.
This time I was strong and ready for some night time running. Before I reached the Gorge AS, it was dark
and all was quiet and peaceful in the woods.
Before I knew it, I heard voices, the sound of a generator, and saw lights
which only meant one thing during a race – Aid Station.
The AS
volunteer asked me if I wanted a piece of pizza which sounded really good. So I started tearing apart the piece of pizza
and walked over to my crew hanging out in the truck, who were not expecting me
this early. Laura was a little concerned
for me the last section, but was relieved to see me in such good spirits and
tearing into a piece of pizza. She said
they just went to Pizza Hut and had a fresh cheese pizza (still warm) in the
truck. I grabbed a piece of fresh pizza,
Renee filled my bottle with half coke and water, and I was gone on a mission.
This was the
first time all day I put my music on and cranked up some local rock &
roll. I was right with the world,
stomach feeling great and full of pizza, sipping on some diluted coke, and
running strong. Bring it.
Before long, I
heard those familiar sounds and saw something that looked like a landing
strip. The Fire Tower AS had lights
strung out about 600 yards down the trail – very cool to run into. As with all the other AS, the first people I
see are my son Josh and my daughter Renee sitting on the side, waiting on my arrival. In an upbeat manner they asked if everything
ok, I said it could not be better. The
AS volunteer holds out a box of Dunkin Donuts with 3 in it and says help
yourself. I grabbed the one covered with
peanuts (something I never do) and thanked him while devouring it. I joked a little with the volunteers for a
minute, and head up the hill with Josh and Renee to the actual Fire Tower where
Laura was chilling. Renee refills my water
bottle with the coke and water mix, and Laura makes sure I got everything for
the next long section. This is where the
trail splits and I take the shorter 3 mile stretch to the Covered Bridge. I look at my crew and said “I’m going to do
something you never seen me do before – Run out from the Fire Tower AS to
complete this loop”. This was my DNF
point from my last two attempts with this race.
Not this time. Laura and the kids
are laughing as I head out in good spirits again at midnight.
With 600’ feet
of descent from the top of the ridge to the Mohican River at Covered Bridge AS,
the trip was suppose to be fast except for the mud, rocks, and a wrong turn
near the gas line. It was pitch black,
with a beam of light in the fog, and I saw that the trail goes into a small
field with a gas line sticking out of the ground. The grass is waist high and I no longer see a
trail. The woods going around the small
field must be where the trail picks up again.
As I start walking around the tall wet grass to the woods, I see nothing
that resembles a trail. I keep looking
around and still have no signs of a trail.
30 minutes past midnight and I’m lost for the first time all day on this
new section. Ok, time to settle down and
engage the brain. The grass in the field
is not broke with no indications that runners have been through here. I need to backtrack and find the original
trial and see where it goes. I found the
original trail as it comes off the hill, and spot where it drifts off to the
side into the woods, just before it goes into the field. Such relief!
Down another muddy and rocky, sloping trail to a large stream which
leads to the Covered Bridge AS. I saw
these two big eyes just off the trail, and stopped for a minute to see what it
was. This huge deer was just standing
there as I shined my headlamp on it. The
deer was motionless as I stood there in awe of its beauty. Time to go before this deer gets territorial
and decides to charge me.
I check in at
the AS and the volunteer ask me if I would like some potato soup. OMG, that sounds so good. As I sip on this very tasty potato soup, and
wait for my bottle to get refilled, I look around and see a lot of casualties
in chairs covered with blankets with defeat all over their faces. No words need to be said, we all know what
this looks like, and been there, but not this time. I killed the cup of potato soup, got another
for the climb back up the mountain, and thanked the volunteers for all they do. Up to this point in the race, runners are
allowed to have pacers to help them get safely through the 2nd half
of the race, keep them motivated, and stay on the trail. The only time I ever had a pacer was for the
VT 100 which my brother ran from Camp Ten Bear to the end with me. I like the sense of achievement knowing I did
it with just a crew supporting me at designated check points. I thought it was unusual that I haven’t run
into very many runners on the trail with their pacers by now. This next section I still hate, but only have
to do it one more time after this.
I finally
arrive at Hickory Ridge AS and all they have is roman noodles, which I
hate. Just the thought makes me want to
barf (bad experience from previous races).
I look around and see several runners passed out on the ground under
blankets. They looked to be in bad
shape, and I didn’t want to hang out long.
I get some water for my bottle, grab some cookies, and head back out
into the dark quiet woods. My legs
started to feel heavy and my attention to details was lacking during this next
section. I stumbled over every rock on
the trail, and almost lost my balance a few times, falling off the trail. I got to the point where I started to swear
at every rock on the trail, which was not like me. I sounded like a true sailor. Then I realized this was just the low point
in the night which I needed to battle through.
On my right wrist, I keep a rubber bracelet my son gave me from his last
state championship football season, and on it was the words “Focus” and
“Believe”. Often during my last three
50K races, I would reference this band and the meaning behind the words when I
hit rough spots. Again, I thought about
the words and what his football team did against all odds, and used this to
give me motivation in the middle of the night, 70+ miles into a race. I thanked
God for this ability He gave me, for the awesome family He gave me, for my
safety on the trails, and all good things that happen in my life. I started to feel better, stopped my
complaining of rocks, and picked my pace up.
I looked at my watch and started to figure out how long I could stop
before heading out for the last loop.
Doing math in
your head can be challenging at this point of the race. Then panic started to hit me just before I
saw my crew. Laura says have a seat and
close your eyes for 5 minutes and it’s back out for your last loop (04:45 AM, mile
77, 20,000’ of elevation change). I told
her I don’t have enough time to sit down and I need to keep moving. I was worried I might not make the cut-off
time for the next AS, and finish this race before the 32 hour limit. I didn’t come all this was, and drag my family
through all of this, to fail during the final hour. There was no way my family was going to see
me fail. I needed to go. Renee grabbed me a potato soup for me to take
on my way out and she also filled my water bottle up with Coke. I asked Laura if she could go by McDonalds (open
24 hours and 5 minutes down the road from the start / finish line) and get me
some sweet tea and a shake. I remembered
from my last 50K, that sweet tea was really good, and a shake just sounded
really good. She said it will be waiting
for me at the next AS. She also said
Marty just left a few minutes ago.
I had fire in
my belly and was on a mission. All I
could think about was how hard I need to run to get a little margin back. My feet were starting to hurt about now, and
my legs were heavy, but I had my focus back and believed I could do this. Within a mile, I ran into Marty, and as I
passed him, he said I better get going and don’t look back. Marty’s advice about eating was spot on, and
knew what he told me was what I needed to do.
I started to run up the hills as well as everything in-between. I was not
sure how long I would be able to keep this up, but I was not stopping until the
job was done. I hit the long uphill
along the gas line and never stopped running for a second. Everything hurt, but I could deal with the
pain. I looked at my watch and knew I
was kicking some butt on this section.
Then it started to rain - Great. Really,
all these miles and climbing hills, hurting everywhere, and under time pressure
to complete this loop and it starts to rain.
Stay focused and believe.
Within an
hour I was at the Gorge AS, and my awesome crew was there with sweet tea, a biscuit,
and a strawberry & banana smoothie.
Renee filled my water bottle up with sweet tea as Laura hands me the
smoothie. I saw my girl’s arm and it had
numbers all over it. I asked her what
all the numbers were for and she said that’s how she kept track of my
times. So cool! Josh grabbed my headlamp for the second time
at this AS (yesterday morning and this morning). I inhaled the smoothie in a minute and
thanked my crew for all they do for me.
Laura asked me if I wanted my rain poncho and I said it wasn’t raining
hard enough for it. Besides, I was
somewhat protected under the canopy of trees. Not two minutes later the sky
fell out and I was standing in a deluge.
Josh quickly handed me the poncho as I made my way out the AS.
Laura’s Facebook
post: “81.1 and the heaven open up w/ a
downpour.....large McDonald's sweet tea, a banana strawberry smoothie, and a
poncho and he was off again. Such determination in face of such
adversity...makes you step back and admire his drive and slight craziness. Lol.
Gotta love my man. He treats everything the same way....passion and drive.”
The deluge of
cold rain continued for the next hour and I was so thankful for the poncho
because although I was already wet, it kept me warm. Otherwise, I would have been in trouble. I focused and believed as I kept my head down
and plowed through the now muddy, slippery trails. Look, runners and their pacers. They were moving slow on the soaked trails as
I flew by them. The runners could not
muster up any words but the pacers looked at me and said way to kill it. Next up was Fire Tower for the last
time. Laura and the kids could not
believe how fast I had covered the last section, again. Renee filled my bottle up with more sweet tea
and I was out of there. Laura said they
will be waiting for me at the finish line.
Time for the
section I got lost in the last time through.
Not this time. With all the rain,
the mud was ankle deep for most of this section. I didn’t care and knew it would be over
shortly. I ran into the Covered Bridge
AS and asked for another cup of their awesome potato soup. They only had one cup left and was glad to
give it to me. I looked around and saw
so many runners passed out in chairs and on the ground. I thanked them for all they did for me as
they said go get that buckle.
Now for the
big ugly climb up the mountain for the last time. Be steady and power hike this to save energy
for the downhill’s. I was able to run up
some of the smaller hills and made good time for this section. It still took forever, but I knew I didn’t
have to see it again. I hit the Hickory
Ridge AS and kept my visit brief. Water
only and a shot of Mountain Dew for the trip to the finish line. I looked at my watch and was relieved to know
I could walk it in from here and make it on time. Nevertheless, I kept the pace up because I
was ready for this to be over. The fun
was over, and this started to feel like work.
I passed a few more runners and their pacers along the way. On my way down the hill into the camping area,
another Marathon runner was out on the trails walking out his stiff muscles
from yesterday. He looked at me and said,
”I’m in awe of what you can do”. He said
just doing the Marathon on this beast of a course was the most difficult thing
he has ever done, and could not imagine doing that four times nonstop. He wished me luck and congratulated me on an
awesome feat.
When I hit
the main road in the camping area, a huge smile came from the inside out for I
knew I could smell the barn. I thanked
God for getting me through this adventure and keeping me running strong on the
muddy trails, even when the Devil tried to still my victory with the cold rain.
I saw Laura,
Josh, and Renee near the finish line as I started to get emotional over all
they did for me just to get me across the finish line. I could tell Laura was so relieved to see me
arrive over an hour ahead of the final cut-off time. She had tears in her eyes as she tried to keep her emotions at bay. Crossing that finish line never felt so good
as the Race Director came up and handed me my Mohican Finishers Buckle. Josh helped me over to a chair to sit. I think he was worried I might pass out right
there and he would have to carry me back to the cabin. My legs ached too much to sit very long in
the chair, and had to lie on the grass to let the throbbing subside. I watched a few more runners cross the line
before my crew dragged me back to the cabin for a shower. Laura said I smelled really bad and helped me
get in the shower. After a 4 hour nap, I
was ready for another round.
Out of 200
runners that signed up for the 100 miler, only a little over half
finished. Unfortunately, I did not see
my new friend Marty finish and he must have run into problems on the last loop.
This would
not have been possible without my incredible family and crew. They gave so much of themselves for me. What an experience we had together that will
last a lifetime. At least until my kids
decide to run this course someday!
Things I have
learned about myself:
I can still
run strong the last 20 miles of a 100 miler even when I’m tired, when there is bad
weather, when I’m sleep deprived, and when I’m hurting.
I can get
ready in 6 months with less than 100 mile weeks, but don’t expect a PR.
My crew is so
strong, especially when I need them most.
Never stop
trying even if the course has beaten you down twice before. Never stop.
Wow, fantastic! Well done! Really awesome run and also a great report. Beautiful area to run! Congrats again, any 100 finish is very very special. Rest well!
Congrats. Way to get it done. Its such a tough course, you must be really happy to get this one in the bag.
Congratulations. That's such a huge achievement.
Fantastic achievement, Thomas! Huge congrats on such tough challenge!
I enjoyed your beautiful and detailed report: you ran through a wonderful envronment.
Have a nice rest!
Fantastic. More than a run, more than and adventure, more than a challenge!
Congrats a lot.
Congratulations! so awesome! I am so happy for you and thank you so much for sharing the aventure what a challenge!
That's quite a race, and what an effort. Good job. No great job, and so special to share with your family.
Thomas, so glad I came to check on yo and found you posted the report! What an awesome read - and a race! Great, strong finish, rain and all, fantastic, you had done it and cured the demons!
Woohoo, smiling BIG for you. 3rd time, indeed, is the charm.
I'm not sure how you can run in that heat and humidity, I'm dying in dry Colorado! I salute you. Congratulations!
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