found my favorite 50K race! Before I get into the race, a little drama to set
the stage. Terri breaks her race into a
two day race fest with the option to run the 50K on Saturday, Sunday, or
both. With this being my last long
training run before my A-race, Saturday’s race was my only was my choice. My plan was to leave Friday at a good time, and
with only a 3 hour drive, I would have some time to chill. I didn’t worry about making hotel
reservations with it being a solo trip, and figured I would just wing-it. Friday I took my daughter to her Doc apt as a
preliminary exam before getting her wisdom teeth removed. As with all Friday afternoon apt, the doc
office was back-up (imagine that – big surprise), and it took forever. Then I decided to take the family out to
dinner for some quality time together before hitting the road. Next thing I know, its 7PM and still need to
get a few last minute things pulled together.
Now it’s 9:30 PM and just starting my 3 hour cruise! It was past midnight and just arriving in
this small town of Walhalla in the foothills of NW South Carolina. Like most small towns, everything closes at
5pm, and not a mouse was stirring at midnight.
Good thing I tossed that sleeping bag in the back at the last
minute. The great thing about my Chevy Avalanche
is the back seat drops down and the enclosed truck bed is available from the
inside. I found myself a safe parking
area in front of a grocery store and set the alarm for 5AM (4 hours of sleep in
a truck – wonderful). It took a while to
turn the brain off and hit Z-land, but I did sleep well, although it was chilly
in the morning up in the mountains.
figured about 45 minutes to the Cherry Hill State Park where the race starts,
and had plenty of time to change, hit McDonalds for a bowl of oatmeal and a cup
of joe. I did get a visitor first thing
in the morning from a local police officer on patrol wondering why this out of
state truck had been in the parking lot during the night. After crawling out of the back of the truck,
I assured him all was well, and was just looking for a safe place to catch a
few zzzz before hitting the state parks.
He said this was a good spot and wished me well.
brief 40 minute trip to the Cherry Hill State Park was absolutely beautiful
going through the Chattooga National Forest.
Within a half mile from the starting line, a huge black bear darted ever
so gracefully in front of me. It caught
me off guard at first until my brain registered what this was. I was not expecting that, and this guy was
huge. Wow, this should be an interesting
race, and this bear will be out looking for breakfast on the same trails we
will be running on.

started with a 3.5 mile out portion on the winding stairs trail which was all downhill on some beautiful
and smooth trails. We passed next
to some breath-taken waterfalls as the trail is all downhill and fast. Took a few wrong turns with some
other runners on the way down, but was able to quickly turnaround with little time lost. After 3.5 miles, we turned around and back up the twisted trail to the top before getting to the first Aid Station. I topped my water bottle off, one gel, banana, and piece of banana bread (this was really good) before hitting this next section which would be 10 miles before the next AS. I usually only take one handheld 20oz bottle, but used two for this longer section. I was following two guys and a girl who were very chatty and excited. They gave me the impression this was her first ultra and the two guys were coaching/guiding her along. This was another nice single trail downhill section for a couple of miles down to the Chattooga River. After listening to these other runners, I learned this is where the movie “Deliverance” was filmed with Burt Reynolds. Great – Hopefully I won’t hear any banjos playing or see anyone with missing teeth with a heavy southern accent.
The trail zigzags along the
river up and down the hills. Absolutely
beautiful scenery with some really narrow sections with overhanging boulders
and very step drop-offs. Not a good
section to miss step. I passed one of
the guys and the girl as they were having a more difficult time managing the more
technical trail section. The other guy was trying to keep up, and wanted to
pick my brain for some advice on longer races.
We chatted for a while and then he started to fad back on the more
technical sections.
Then I
came up on a large fallen tree across the trail which required some crawling
over. Another runner was crossing over
it, and to my amazement, it was Viktor who I caught up with the last 5 miles of
the FATS 50K a couple years ago to beat.
Viktor is a strong and consistent runner with a large personality. You know when you are being passed by him
because he gives out a hoot and a howler in a heavy Russian accent as he
passes. Ok, I told myself, I was not
racing today and this is going to be an easy long training run. Viktor saw me and appeared to have picked his
pace up based on my effort to keep up with him.
I’m a fast downhill runner based on the number of runners I usually pass,
and average on the hills, but Viktor was increasing his lead on the downhills,
and losing some on the uphills. He was
most likely conserving energy because he was racing both days. We passed several runners as we kept
increasing our pace. Before I knew it,
my competitive nature overrode my brain and the race was on. At this point, I didn’t care, and wanted to
get passed this guy. I started to kick
it on the uphills, and matched his speed on the downhills as I kept closing the
gap. Finally, on a long uphill section,
I passed Viktor and another runner at the same time, and never looked back. Within about 1 mile from the AS, my foot
snagged a rock and found myself airborne.
Luckily, I landed between some rocks and roots with a few minor
The AS was a welcomed sight,
but wanted to keep my stay time short. I
grabbed another gel, dropped one of my handhelds off, and two pieces of banana
bread on the way out. This next section
was a two mile out and back, and needed to touch the wooden bridge before
returning. It was a fast two miles with
it all downhill, and passed several runners along the way. I was in a good place and just loving the
trails. Usually by now, I get a low
point in the race, but not today. My
energy level was consistent, and I found the new Tailwind mix agreeing with my
body. What felt like about two miles,
and I ran into a small wooden footbridge with no markers or sign. I stopped for a minute and wondered if this
was the turnaround point. With no
markers, and such a small footbridge, I figured there was a larger wooden
bridge with markers further down the trail.
I took off again as a couple of runners I had just passed were following
my lead. We went about half mile further
downhill and something didn’t feel right.
I started to run into a few spider webs and knew the front runners would
have already broke the trail. I could
not see any scuff marks on the trail and knew I had gone too far. I stopped and talked to the runners behind me
for a few minutes as we contemplated if we went too far. One of the guys had a Garmin and he said we
were well past the two mile mark, so we were convinced the footbridge was the
turnaround point. Back up the hill to
the bridge, and a little further back down the trail and I ran into Viktor on
his way to the bridge. I asked him if
that was the turnaround point and he said yes (He has ran this course a few
times). I felt better that we didn’t
short-change the course, but also gave up a lot of time and positions with the
bonus miles.
I started running up the
two mile all uphill to the AS and passed a few of the runners I passed on the
way down. I ran into Andy Bruner at the
AS (from Augusta and top 10 finisher on Sunday) and he was a huge help. We talked for a minute as he filled my
handheld bottles (with ice) and ensured I was taken care of. Andy is a great guy, friendly, and a very
talented fast runner.
Time for the long
10 mile river section and ready to hit it with a steady pace in mind. I passed a few more runners and hikers out
enjoying the trails. I caught up with
Chad and we had about the same pace so we hung out cruising down the
trails. We took a few wrong turns, but
always able to get back on the main trail.
This section was not marked well, and more difficult to follow on the
way back with all the side trails that branch out. I snagged my foot again on some roots, didn’t
fall, but felt some discomfort in my left leg (knee and hamstring). I backed off my pace some to prevent irritating
my leg any further and to minimize risk for injury. The climb back out from the river was
challenging and demanding. I was
starting to feel the weekly miles, hard training, and hill repeats from earlier
in the week. Chad had to pull over due to
some cramping and needed to stretch out.
I kept plowing forward and managed to pass two more runners before
hitting the final stretch. I finished in
7:04 with about 33 plus miles on some beautiful, but challenging, trails in the
foothills of SC.
I felt great afterward,
no cramping or soreness, no stomach issues, and could have gone back out to run
the course again. This area is absolutely
beautiful and now one of my favorite 50K races.
Looking at some of the Garmin data from some other runner the previous
years, and this course had over 10,000’ of elevation change. I would highly recommend this course for
first timers and experienced runners with non-technical trails in most
sections, beautiful scenery, and great AS with an awesome RD (Terri Hayes).
I drove
the three hour trip back home after the race, and had to work the next
day. It was a good weekend. Compared to the two 50K I ran the past few
months (Mount Cheaha and Sweet H2O), I felt the strongest during this one, had
no real low points, and felt great afterwards with 30 minute less running on a
harder course. This race was good for my
confidence considering being injured all last year, and not starting any real
training until January of this year. Looks
like the hard winter training is starting to pay off, but will it be enough for
my next challenge! Time to start my
taper for the Mohican 100.
I spent most of this race report reading with banjos playing in my head. Thanks for the Deliverance reference.
Great race for you! You almost make 50k sound like a walk in the park.
Great racin!
Excellent 50 km race, considering the impressive elevation which I can see in the chart ... It's easy to see how your hills repeats are starting to pay off.
What a beautiful Beautiful scenery, Thomas! The environment was also interesting although I hate those dangerous roots along the running path. I have heard of snakes or squirrels before a race but not of huge black bear :)
It seems that the local police officer was helpful enough and you weren't bored.
Thanks for sharing that detailed race report: I really enjoyed reading it!
you definitely make a 50k sound like no big deal! but, i know it is a huge deal! :) glad you enjoyed your romp through walhalla. i would offer for you to crash here next time you run there but i'm still a good 1-1.5 hrs north from ol' walhalla.
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