Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Broken Rock

I’m home, licking my wounds, and Rocky did not go as planned and ran into a problem at the 80 mile mark. Other then that, I had a great race, my time was looking really good (sub 24), and the course was awesome with soft dry trails and near perfect weather (a little on the warm side for this time of the year). I learned a few more things about myself, what changes I made which went well, and what not to do. I truly believe I get stronger after each race, and just need to be working through the trouble areas. I’m still very new to this and have tons to learn, which was evident by this race. Rome was not conquered in a day, and one race will not derail me. I will work through this weak spot and come back stronger for the next race. I’m working on my race report and will post soon, after I get through this next work stretch, with all the wonderful details. Thanks to everyone for your support and encouraging words.


Running and living said...

Well, the rock is not broken, at least it does not seem so from this post:)

Sounds like you were able to find the positive in all of this. 80 miles, OMG, that's more than what 99% people can do. As you say, it's all about trying and I have no doubt you will get there!
Good luck, Ana-Maria

Mark C. Smith, "The Naked Runner" said...

Hey there! Thanks for the congrats! Congrats are due you as well for completing 80 miles!! As you may know, 80 miles is a long, damn way to run! You have the right idea, learning from the experience. Great job and keep up the hard work. See you on the trail sometime. Peace!

Anonymous said...

I'm anxious to read your report. I'm hoping to learn from others! I'm a newby to and hope to dive into a 100 miler next year.

If you ever hear from Ronda on all the abbrieviation Z1,Z2, etc. Pass it along...please.

Pressure Washing Berwyn said...

Lovely blog thanks for taking the time to share this.