Monday, March 8, 2010

Slow Recovery

It has been a slow start, and still not completely recovered, but I’ve been starting to ramp up the weekly mileage again. After the RR100, I’ve only been able to run 3 to 5 mile short easy runs (8mpm). The swelling in the ankles subsided, and there appears to be no major damage, although it was tender the first few weeks following the race. My right hip flexor has been causing me some problems, but now it is only an annoyance with a dull aching feeling, which gets better with each run. I still feel like I'm only running at 80%.

Not to rub it in, but it has been really nice down here in the south. Today’s 14 miler felt great with a clear blue sky and 75 degrees. It felt good to take the shirt off and soak some rays in. Bring on the spring season!

I’m looking forward to getting my base miles back, get some long runs in, and start making plans for my next race, which may be just around the corner. Nothing like jumping back into it Ultra style!


Anonymous said...

That weather sounds fantastic! For some reason this winter seems longer than usual - and I live in AZ! Glad your body is recovering nicely.

Char said...

Thanks for the encouragement re overtraining syndrome. I just wanted to ask how long it took for you to completely recover.

Big Daddy Diesel said...

Recovery weeks rock, esp after a hard race, you deserve some down time to get your body back

Anonymous said...

Take your time recovering - you deserve it.

Right now I totally appreciate the fact it feels like heaven:-)

Hone said...

Racing is fun but the whole recovery thing is bothersome.

What is the next race you are going to run?

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear things are going well. I bet you will be back strong this year.

Jameson said...

Getting those base miles back is always tough, I'm doing that battle right now, and losing!